Saturday, October 2, 2010

                   There we are at the airport.  Looking pretty good maybe a little excited even.  Nice and early. Thanks to Collin who was nice enough to take the truck back to his place to store with the rest of our material life.  We killed time in the airport in the usual way and everything went really smooth on the flight.

               Nothing like a warm Stella in a plastic cup really high in the sky.  The chicken wasn't to bad either.  Cramped and  groggy we managed to get over the excitement of getting turned down at the bank machines.  Thank goodness for master cards.   We got ourselves some train ticket and found the hostel with what I like to think of as a little grace considering the head full of snot and sleep filled eyes.

            We Dropped the bags off and enjoyed a little hole in the wall on   just down from the hostel.  The scenery in down town London is pretty cool to say the least and it's hard to get a good look around when your dodging the crowd.  Especially when you brain and legs our on auto pilot.  Staring at beautiful buildings like tourist zombies.

            Ready to sleep we Jumped through a few more hoops to get a couple of beds to crash in.  It started with just one bed but after much head scratching and hair pulling by the clerk.  The manager saved the day and brought us tea.  After we chased off another traveller.  That bed was ours!  Then we had two clean beds with no more questions about it.  We headed off on a walk that was very enjoyable.  Collecting Sweet secure cash.  Getting rained on in some pretty warm weather actually added to the romance of stumbling onto the London tower and the Tower bridge.
                 Sorry about the pictures on there side but At the moment I'm on a Dutch P.C. in heaven.  Those pictures are all of the tower bridge.  To be fair to Renee we both thought it should be the London bridge.  It was way more impressive any ways.  

              A nice pub just so happened to be under where our hostel is.  Very convenient for Dutch Blitz in pyjama bottom while our clothes dried.  Murphy's on a side note is good beer. Like Guinness but not Guinness.  We had a real treat of sharing a room with 3 gentlemen from Denmark.  They only occupied two beds and only one of them snored.  He was good enough for all three of them I assure you.  I suppose that's the hostel dice. Every night its a roll of a six billion sided dice.  Part of the mix up with the hostel was that we booked beds in a eighteen bed dorm and got to stay in a four bed dorm.  Good fortune shined on us!

            Thursday the 30th of September.  Was tons of fun walking around getting lost.  Experiencing the Horrors of London at the London dungeon.  Renee only screamed once but it was really loud.  I think it was a build up after trying to be tough and holding in all the little screams she really wanted to let out.  This of course can neither be confirmed  or denied.

             Napping at this point is a chronic addiction.  The Jet leg is really only letting us sleep 3 - 4 hours at a time max.  So we took a nice nap ate supper and took a longish hike to XOYO.  A pretty cool medium sized venue.  We showed up early to the show and where the very first people there.  Walked in like we owned the place.  Ordered a drink and watched the Crowed fill the room with people that mostly looked like people in Edmonton that would go to the same show.  They all just sounded funny.  We got see two bands. One i can't figure out the name which is really too bad.  The other Was Crystal Fighters. Such a wicked show.  Crazy energy, good times.  Toped off with some street meat and falafel.  Horrible stuff.  But sustenance is very necessary and it would be a shame to waste.  

        The next day Oct 1  Was a pretty rough one as it goes.  We mostly slept in the cinema of the hostel until we caught our train To the ferry.  We had to give up the hostel room in the morning and it was pissing rain so yes we slept the day away in London in a hostel Cinema and i would do it again. The tubes and trains are crazy intense with people I go into complete over load in the crowds and let Renee do the question asking.  We found our train again with complete grace and took off and never missed a beat even got on the ferry first.  One thing you can say about us if a ticket says the doors are opening at certain time we are there to tell them they are three minutes late.  

My happy dance. 
We were tempted to spend the rest of the 8 months going back and forth on the ferry.

             Happy to see the inside of our pimpin cabin  on the ferry would be a understatement.  I was so happy on the ferry!  Something about being on a huge boat in a mini hotel room to ourselves after the hostel.  We had a very nice evening eating salads from the salad bar on our bed watching Dog whisper!  Our hands where kinda tied for cash at the moment and room was really nice and the shower!  

              That brings us to now!  Sitting in yet another boat this time a house boat.  Five minutes from Central station in Amsterdam.  We have gone for a walk, grabbed some breakfast and groceries.  

We are bound and determined to kick this jet legs ass and let me tell you we have found a wicked place to chill.  Jonas houseboat is very relaxing and Jonas seems to be a top notch host.  Born and raised in Amsterdam he knows what's going on.  Renee is currently Fast asleep and here i am doing the heavy lifting of the fingers.  I'm sure we will go and explore some more any time now.... or it that might happen tomorrow on a bike!  Untill then we will keep chillin like a couple of lazy villains.  Check back i might get some more pictures to upload.  


P.s.  I'm gonna go ahead and post this and if Renee edits this post later, right on or you will just have to forgive me if it doesn't make sense in places. 

P.s.s.  I posted the shit out of this blog!  In your face Gavin

P.s.s.s.  Sorry Mom for that last P.s.s.



  1. Sounds like a good trip so far! The fact you found a pub and beer is really all that matters

  2. Hey guys, I'm happy you two are doing well. You'll adjust to the time soon i'm sure. I'll be following your blog the entire time!! BTW the love fern is doing well.
