Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And we're off ! ...on Tuesday

Hello Bonjour !

Welcome to our blog.  There, I said it. We have a blog. I never thought I would. I mean, in all honesty, I was an eyeroller when it came to blogs but that's mostly because I had no real reason to start one up. I already have a journal and my journal keeps things top-secret.  Blogs can't keep secrets at all. 

Alas, I've started this blog to keep y'all posted on our journey. This being said, I won't have to write a gazillion emails and your inboxes will not be filled with subject lines such as "Cheers from England!", "Dag from the Netherlands", "Yasu from Greece" get the drift.  So, if you want to know what we're up to...keep checking back for news pics or even just to drop us a line.

So anyway, we've decided to call our trip "From Gatwick to Goa" because that's really what we're doing: going from Gatwick airport (in London) to Goa (India).  We have 8 months to do it.  You might be thinking "Big whoop, you have a lot of time", which we do!  However, we are planning to work for free room and board and travel as much as we can with trains and automobiles (boo for planes).  With this being said, that makes the stretch a little bit longer.  Heck, in reality, Gatwick to Goa could be done in a day with the 15h50 direct flight ! But no no no...we don't want that.  Land travel is where things happen !


  1. w00t! I'm your first follower.
    Can't wait to read more! Blogs are great to keep in touch as long as people read them :)

  2. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! London Outcall Escort
