Sunday, October 31, 2010

Farm ville

Two hours and three train transfers later we travelled from Enschede to Bergen Op Zoom, the closest city to my uncle's farm. So our farm life began.  Well, it wasn't really a  "farm life" for we did not live the life of farmers: hard work all day long.  We lived on the farm, but had a very relaxing and labour-free stay.   For those who thought (as I did) that there was no such thing as a middle of nowhere in Holland, there is. I mean, in relation to the distance, Netherland's nowhere isn't nearly as isolated as the Canadian nowhere but it's still secluded.  Just to give you an idea, we were about a 20min. bike ride from the nearest village {Tholen} which is about a 20 minutes bus ride to Bergen Op Zoom, the nearest city. If you google it, you'll see that Tholen is one of the many small villages found on one of the Zeeland islands.  Despite the fact that we were a far ways from the beaten tourist track, time passed by very quickly and we got to bond with small-town locals and farmers alike. My uncle {being a long time farmer} took us to the places and pubs where farmers and small-townies like to debate about the regular topics: crops, profit; business, politics, weather.  Chris and I have developped the useful skill of following conversations with the few words that we catch. 

I heart Tholen.
The farm cantine, where the coffee breaks take place during the day and the drinking takes place at night.  Those are grape vines hanging up there...a good midnight munch.

This is our suite. Next door is my uncle's house.

Doing my routine stretches in our room. Is this good for the spine? I don't know. It's more of a habit.

Typical dutch: steep staircases.  This makes for a dangerous trek down the stairs to the bathroom at 3 am.  I think steep-stair-climbing is a skill acquired through experience.  Chris and I have no experience with them.  My 3 year old cousin can climb these stairs with a toy tractor in one hand and a teddy bear in the other.  I, on the other hand, need to focus.

Yoohoo ! Big sister is watching !

Typical dutch : platter toilets (aka shelving toilets).  These I don't get. It's like pooing on a platter and then flushing it off into the little well.  Pros: close and intimate stool examination. Cons: does nothing for the smell and can make your bathroom experience awkward and embarrassing, even if you're alone.  It also raises a few sanitary questions.

 So my (Renee) Dutch family consists of Rien, Pauline, Sjors (3), Illeen (6 months) and my two older cousins Nicole and Marc who are our age.  Sjors (which is the dutch version of George) has more energy than Chris and I combined.  Nevertheless, a happy happy kid who kept us on our toes with his games, play and songs. As for Illeen (pronouned Elaine), a perfect baby.  I think we heard her cry once or twice and she can hang out in her crib for hours, content, playing by herself.  Sometimes I'd forget she was in the room until I heard a few googoo gagas.  You could backpack the world with her.

The Veraart family

One night, my two cousins, Marc and Nicole, invited us to a farm party that one of their life-long friends (Annette) was throwing to celebrate her college graduation.  We asked if we needed to bring anything and they said nada (except for our dancing shoes and smiles). Our idea of a farm party was a big bondfire in a  field, with people drinking beers, throwing in palets to keep the fire going.  Their idea of a dutch farm party is renting a bar (free booze) having food laid out (she even had a hot buffet) and a DJ mixing tunes from, his turntables, ahem, I mean MacBook.  Elite farm party indeed.  I asked our cousins if this party would cost Annette an arm and a leg and they said that she would actully make profit from the gifts she received fro, guests.  In Manitoba, they call them "socials";

Thanks for the good time Annette !

Chris and my cousin Marc and his girlfriend Debbie (is she strangling him or is that a big hug? We'll say it's a big hug)

In total, there were 6 Veraart cousins at the party.  This is very wierd for me because the only other Veraarts in Canada are from my family.  As for this area, there's an abundance ! VERAARTS RULE ! (slip on a banana peel)

Chris and I with my cousin Nicole and her boyfriend Carlo.  Carlo has a bullmastiff that weighs more than Chris.  The dog stepped on my toe :-(

We also spent some time in Rotterdam, the most modern city in Holland.  The reason the city is so modern is because it was virtually flattened by WWII and they had to rebuild everything.   The city has exceptional architecture.  Actually all of Holland does.  I give credit to the Dutch for architectural skill.

Erasmus bridge.

Cube apartments.  I still don't get how they work.

In Rotterdam we met with an old friend of Chris' ( Nikki Mead) whom he hasn't seen in a very long time.  It was REALLY nice talking fast (and with slang!) to another fellow Canadian.
Nikki, Chris and I

Now that we have been in Holland for a month, the place has really started growing on us.  The lush green fields, the old architecture, the cafes, the windmills, the cozy pubs, the friendly people. 

Chris contemplating the big questions in life: Is this latte 1 % or 2% milk?

Yeah, this is good. Real good (La Chouette)

Typical dutch : windmills.  There are more in the south and they really are majestic things.  Most of them are retired but you'll see the odd one still running.  We got to climb into this one. 


The works behind crushing wheat.  Want the details?  Facebook Chris.

Chris and I are slowly collecting more and more stuff but we've been really good at only buying the essentials. Like speakers.

Our brand new Phillips stereo system.  Okay, so we've downgraded a little but these guys really make our day sometimes, like in awkward dorm rooms.

And now it's time to go to Antwerp Belgium for a few days and then head south. Sad to leave the Nederlands but happy to see something new. Tot ziens Nederlands! You've been so good to us.  Thanks for everything !


  1. Hey Renee and Chris, Looks like you guys are having a blast. Renee I should have given you the address and number to my uncle in Belgium, I don't remember what part they're in though. Hope you guys keep having fun.
    Love you, Jeanne

  2. Looks like the tourists are becoming locals. Lap it guys. Holland is a natural back ground for the two of you.

    Stay safe and tot ziens
