Friday, April 22, 2011

Deep jungle : Periyar Sanctuary

We bused it to Kumily, a small town in the western part of the western ghats (mountains). Going from Kodaikanal, then to Munnar, we could tell that we were descending in altitude as things were starting to get hot again.  

Kumily's main attraction is the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, a huge natural area home to sambar, wild boar, langur, wild elephants and tigers. The place is more of a indian tourist destination than a local one. With this being said, menus did not cater to foreigners and so we were sweating curry, eating it three times a day. Sometimes, I miss granola with yogurt and blueberries in the morning. There were many honeymooners wearing their wedding bengals, limbs covered with henna, always accompanied by a photographer and getting their pictures taken with their newly found (most likely arranged) partner.

Leech-proof and reay to hike !
We took a morning hike and saw...
Cobra crib

Holy Sambar !

Hornet's nest...let's kick it !

It's like spider-india ! look different...

Can you spot he elephant foot print? How about the elephant poop?

The best part was going on the evening boat ride along the river in the decrepit little two-tiered boats. Due to the elbow and pushing skills that I've learnt waiting in queues with Indian women at the train station, I was able to be one of the first 20 to buy a ticket, and we got seats on the upper deck. There we saw....

Mama and baby

Baby just discovering how cool his trunk is
A big elephant reunion.  We were told that we were lucky to be on a boat and not on land close to them.  I didn't get it.  I always thought elephants were gentle giants.  They aren't.  They're more like bears, I'm told.  If they see you, they will charge and attempt to crush you.  Baby in toe or not.  I asked why.  They said that it's because they've all been somewhat disturbed by unfortunate events brought on my humans (poachers).  Either they've lost a friend or a family member.  Elephants never forget. They hate humans.

Wild pigs.  I love pigs, but these guys freak me out.  I think it has to do with a Lassie episode I saw when I was young.
Sambhar. Big whoop.  We've got loads in Canada.

Kingfisher !

Beautiful scenery
Big nests
And of course....monkeys.  Here they're considered a pest.  In some places, outdoor patios need to have enclosures, as the monkeys WILL steal your food.  And you don't want to challenge a monkey.  The monkey will win.
Some little kid is crying because he got his cone stolen by a monkey !

Stuffing her cheeks. Whenever I watch them I can really see the same mannerisms as humans.  It;s quite obvious that we are in the same family.  I wonder if they know that too and relate to us when they look at us...
And Kumily was our last destination in the Western Ghats. We had officially crossed  from the East coast the to West coast India. And what is India's west coast renowned for? Beach life!


  1. Wonderful, will your call Friday night or Sat. Many here for Easter. Dad

  2. Awesome Renee & Chris, love the pic of the GEEK! Just chilling for Easter. Miss you lots!

    Lori & Girls

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