Friday, November 26, 2010

Let's do this forever...

Chris and I are soulmates.  We grow and learn from each other. This trip has really made us realize just how compatible we are together and how well we work as a team. We have gone through many stressful and desperate times together, especially these last couple of months (and more to come in India!), and we have dealth with everything so well.  During our travels, we have become very dependent on each other and this has made us grown so much more as a couple.

With this being said, we have some very good news: Chris and I are engaged !  And we're eloping in India !

Just kidding about the India part!  Just wanted to get your blood going a little bit. ;-)

Chris proposed and it was very romantic.  As you might know, we rented a car for a couple of weeks to drive to the south of France.  We were driving from Limoges to Cahors, which is in the mid-pyrenees region.  For us, autumn has lasted a very long time for we keep moving south with the season.  And so, beautiful autumn colors have been following us throughout the trip. One day, we had a particularly beautiful day of driving with beautiful views of foothills with red, yellow and orange leaves.  We were both in really good moods and both made a point of how perfect the day was (little did I know, it would only get better !)  That night we went out for a beautiful supper and then walked back to where we were staying, a restored monastery. The entrance of the monastery was quite grandiose. You had to enter through a large gateway and follow the alley leading up to the entrance.  The alley was lined on both sides with orange-leafed trees.  Chris then said "baby" in that tone of voice meaning he has something really important to ask.  Then, he got down on his knee, pulled out a ring from his pocket and asked me to marry him.  I said yes so quick that that moment, the moment of him being on his knees, lasted less than a second.  We kissed, I cried and a petite french lady walked past, smiled and said "Awww...les amoureux".  

We are both very excited about what became of us and what's to come.  We are both looking forward to sharing more details with everyone once we get back to Canada!  


  1. YYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Happy Engagement!! Congratulations!!!!

  2. Ok you got me with the Indian Elopement thing.

    That's an awesome story. Chris, you wild romantic you. Congats again guys, I couldn't be happier for you.

  3. Here we are sitting listening to the Vinly Cafe - and I happened to pull up your blog - when Dad was asking me to look up something else. What a beautiful, romantic story. I read it to Dad - not without a tear - and we thought it was cool if you eloped in India - I said - we'll just have to have a big party when they return!!
    Wedding in Canada would be great too!!!
    Love Mum - Susan

  4. The world will be a better place with you two building wonderful things together for the rest of your days. I'm so happy for you guys.

    I'm with mom, eloping to India would rock, but getting hitched in Canada so I can make an impassioned, drunken speech works too.

  5. Congratulations you two. Duke and Susan told us last night and got us connected with your blog. l
    Loving the pics and stories.
    Happy travels,
